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Artificial intelligence is not rocket science!

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing at a rapid pace, and it’s being used in many different industries and sectors including social development. It can help improve customer experience, increase efficiency and productivity, reduce costs and more. If you’re thinking about using artificial intelligence (AI) to power your business or not-for-profit you may want to map things out first.

Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool, but it’s not without its flaws. This can mean that you may end up with inaccurate or incomplete data, and eventually an inaccurate model of your customer, your beneficiary or potential clients. As with everything else you monitor how things are functioning to ensure you show up the way you intend.

Questions to ask before using AI

If you’re thinking about using artificial intelligence, it’s important to ask yourself a few key questions. Firstly, you’ll want to know what the benefits of using AI are and how they can help your business or organization thrive. Then, once you’re convinced that this technology is right for you, it’s time to figure out how it will impact your operations. Then, you’ll need to consider whether your business needs a dedicated team or if you can use AI as a supplementary tool that works alongside existing teams. You should also think about where you’d like to use AI and how it will impact your engagement. Finally, once you understand how this technology impacts your organization, it’s time to start thinking about how it will help solve problems for your customers, stakeholders, clients, or beneficiaries. Finally, you want to make sure that your implementation of AI is in line with your company’s values and mission.

Some useful AI tools available include

(1). Chatbots: These are tools that you can use to automate responses to customer questions and provide them with information about your products or services. You will need to spend time uploading your content for selection once the person who is interacting selects one of your options. You can also use them in place of an FAQ section on your website by creating a bot that answers frequently asked questions.

(2). Virtual assistants: These are programs that act as a personal assistant for employees, helping them do things like schedule meetings and track their calendars. A virtual assistant can schedule meetings and appointments for you, and an email filter that will help you keep track of your inbox. voice-to-text transcription, speech recognition, and conversational AI.

(3). Text transcription: This is the process of converting spoken words into written text. It is useful for recording interviews, dictation, and other forms of audio communication.

(4). Speech recognition: Allows you to use voice commands on your computer or mobile device.

The world as we know it is changing, of course nothing beats human interaction and personally engaging with people. For me knowing that I am engaging with a human that is efficiently addressing my issues makes the world of difference but there are actions which you use the technology for especially where human failing is like remembering dates or a task that must be done.

Simple Ways to Stay Effective and Prevent Overload........

So, over the years we have tried all types of tools to help with work organisation to ensure deadlines are met within time and budget, additionally, ensuring protocols and policies are observed while working within the frame of an organisation. It can be plenty!
Some of the tools are among:
1. Good stationery – great writing pens, highlighters, post its, writing paper – first and foremost.

2. Evernote – for taking notes at meetings and writing minutes and follow-up items quickly.

3. Trello and Asana – for task-oriented projects and overall one-on-one client management.

4. Visio – Process maps are friendly – you can map an entire process which can help to create standard operating procedures quickly.

5.Toolkits/ Manuals/ Books/ Frameworks – for training and completing important deliverables that are specific in a content type.

6. Microsoft Suite – all of it.

7. MUSIC and it is in caps for a reason.

8.Vision book/ board - keeping ideals visible so at any time there is a reminder of what the why.

9. The mobile phone – appointments, calendars, grocery lists, voice notes.

10. BOOKS another caps.
While tools are great, having an approach to work helps. Doing the recurring stuff every single day (call, add your entries on the finance spreadsheet, put in your deliverables, update, check dashboard). Soon you will have a system with a logical flow, triggered by one action to the next.

Having a process and a system has helped to free up time for creativity and brainstorming and it is easy to delegate eventually. When things don’t go as planned, having a system and process helps so tweaking is easy to suit the situation.
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Personal Planning for Effectiveness

Personal Planning - Using a vision board or a 'dream book'

Using simple, user-friendly and easy to duplicate methodologies influence everything we do at Uwamito Consulting.

Personal planning as an important building block for all other types of planning.

So one of the key items you will decide is the mode for your planning document and the decision to choose a 'dream book' over a 'vision board' or vice versa is totally up to you but in both instances they would organise the areas of your life you need to focus on and ideally indicate what your goals are.

Deciding to use either can be linked to personal preference or can be influenced by your environment or reality.

A board provides a visual reminder of your 'compass' it can also be a source of encouragement for other persons to also do similar for themselves and in some instances provide your circle with pointers on how they can be supportive of your dreams and goals. This might be a bit challenging if your environment might not allow you the personal space to be intimate.

See the online resource:…/WRITING-A-VISION-FOR-YOU…
(This is a very good tool which has 12 areas of focus you can alter as per your needs)

The dream book which is different to but similar to the format of a diary or journal (where you write your thoughts on an ongoing basis). The currency you place on the contents of the book will influence how often you use it. But it affords a level of confidentiality not provided by the board, from a utility standpoint the book can be easier to store in a safe space limiting anyone else from having access.

See the online resource: