Product 1: Risk Assessment and Planning: An entity operating for more than 6 months - needing to develop an internal plan or pathway to enhance strengths and address weaknesses that are known and unknown.

  • Output: 3- year internal road-map. (hard and soft copy)

  • Delivery Time: 3-5 days depending on urgency.

  • Number of persons needed from the organisation: at least 5 key persons to 15 persons maximum.

  • Cost (not inclusive of workshop costs): TT$15,000.00/ US$2,345.00 and upwards (cost can be reduced if process has started or delayed prior to engagement)

  • To be determined: Cost of workshop and ownership of internal road-map, printing of internal road-map

  • FREEBIE: Free 4 hour in-house session with either membership or management to facilitate internal buy-in. Free 30 minute call upon the 1 year anniversary delivery date

  • Mode of Delivery: In person or remote (virtual)

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Product 2: Strategic Plan Development or Strategic Planning Retreat

Strategy Development or Strategic Planning is specifically designed for governance or executive boards, can be done with any entity regardless of size or age, unlike risk assessments.

  • Output: 3-5 year plan depending on the type of organisation (both soft and 1 hard copy)

  • Delivery time: At least 2 weeks and can take up to 3 months depending on complexity of organisation and urgency

  • Number of persons needed from the organisation: at least 7-10 persons or more factored by varying profiles demonstrating a representative of the constituency and or stakeholder base of the entity.

  • Cost (excluding workshop costs):

    • TT$15,000.00/US$2,345.00 and up for not for not-for-profit start-ups working on development issues. (Registered 3 months or less)

    • TT$34,251.00/US$5,352.00 and up for preexisting not-for-profits working on membership or development issues.

    • TT$39,200.00/US$6,125.00 and up for profit start-up entities (Registered and or opened for business 3 months or less)

    • TT$45,000.00/ US$7,031.00 and up for preexisting for profit entities (Registered or opened for business at least 1 year or more)

  • To be determined:

    • Cost of workshop or retreat (we can provide these services at additional costs i.e. catering, venue, stationery)

    • Travel and other costs for team when services are to be delivered face to face and outside the jurisdiction of operation (Trinidad and Tobago)


    • Free 4-hour in house session with wider constituent to facilitate buy-in subsequent to plan finalization, agreement and acceptance.

    • Free annual 1 hour ‘temperature-check’ call with the owner of the strategic plan until it’s expiry date to provide guidance on any internal challenges and affirm positive outcomes.

    • Lifetime access to all virtual or online webinars with industry leaders organised by Uwamito Consulting or partnered between Uwamito and other entities on topics pertaining to organisational development

  • Mode of Delivery:

    • Can be done solely in person or done with a mixture of both in person and virtual.

    • DIY option to follow at a later date - if the organisation has the resources and wants to purchase the online course and follow step-by-step.

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Product 3: Operational Planning:This is for any entity who recently completed their strategic plan and would like an operational plan fashioned or aligned to support different management styles.

Also for an entity or organisation who constantly have bottlenecks, challenged with a stagnant project or is unable to meet deliverables or milestones in a timely manner and need urgent troubleshooting.

Operational plan or unit plans to coincide with strategic planning period.

  • Output/s: Overall operational plan addressing each strategic pillar in the strategic plan. An analysis report with recommendations for improvement on internal work processes.

  • Delivery Time: To be determined

  • Number of Persons Needed: The management team and 1 member of the strategic team for reference. Can be 1 person or more depending on what is realistically possible.

  • Rate: TT$3,500.00/ US$547.00 per day

  • To be determined: Time needed, level of engagement.


    • Free 4-hour in-house session with internal constituents to facilitate buy-in of finalised operational plan.

    • Annual 1 hour check-in with owner of operational plan to provide feedback and or advice on issue areas.

    • Free planning and budgeting template

  • Mode of Delivery:

    • In person or totally online/virtual


Product 4: Planning and Execution of Workshops, Seminars and Training

For entities with any of the above deliverables to either their internal audience or external beneficiaries.

We do have set services ready for delivery with minor customization to your needs or utilizing your materials in the following topic areas:

  1. Team Building,

  2. Leadership Training,

  3. Communication for Productivity,

  4. With Managers in Mind,

  5. Program Management,

  6. Project Management and,

we can also develop based on your needs.


  • Workshop, Seminar or Training planned and executed within budget and time allotment.

  • Reports delivered to entity liaison both hard and soft copy.

  • Manuals or Materials for participants where the activity was a training

Delivery Time:

  • To be determined


  • To be determined

Mode of Delivery:

  • In person