Personal Planning Guide

"Update/ Create Your Personal Vision - Doing it with less Kinks"



Welcome and congratulations for taking the step to sit and self-reflect and eventually create your magical roadmap with us.

Depending on your environment you can chose to create either a VISION BOARD or a VISION/DREAM BOOK. This is extremely important as some folks around you might not appreciate your details especially if some of it relates to them. You know your situation, so it is all up to you!

What would you need:

a.       For the vision board:

  1. -     A literal board (white/ or a cork board or you can create one from scratch using Bristol board or an old carton box open and flattened to make sturdy.

  2. -          Glue, Scissors, old magazines for pictures, markers or felt tip pens (different colours)

  3. -          Divide the board into 6 equal parts and allot 1 part for each section.

b.       For the Vision/ Dream book:

  1. -          A notebook or any journal (if you can afford or would like to invest) a plain book is fine – you are going to decorate it anyway.

  2. -          Glue, Scissors, Old Magazines for pictures, markers, pens (different colours)

  3. -          You can do 2 pages per section

Set the mood – with your favourite beverage, or music or a serene environment.

Create a theme: What are the few things which come to your mind first.

For each area:

1.       List one thing you feel proud about from the past year

2.       An area you need to work on in the coming year

3.       Your sappy, big, hairy goal – go wild here – imagine there are no limits

4.       Get one picture to represent your goal

5.       Choose and affirmation from the list – or create your own – write it fancy around the area

6.       Also choose a few words from each section or create your own. – write these around each area.




1.       My mind is alert and brilliant

2.       My body is healthy and vibrant

3.       My soul is illuminated and divine

Words: Powerful, Peaceful, Serene,

2.       FINANCES:


1.       I am worthy of financial security and all it brings to me

2.       Money has a positive impact on my life

3.       I am letting go of all worry/anxiety surrounding money and my finances

4.       I have the power to live my life free of debt

Words: Abundance, Overflow, Surplus, Savings, Investments

3.       LOVE:


1.       Loving is easy for me

2.       I am attracting all the love I dream of and deserve

3.       I am releasing my past and opening myself to new love and positive possibilities

4.       My love life is a priority

Words: Passion, Healing, Affection, Romance, Harmony, Respect



1.       Finding my dream career is well within my grasp

2.       My job offers me great career prospects, promotional opportunities and monetary compensation

3.       I am completely open to receiving new career opportunities

4.       I am able to collaborate with all persons, including those who hold contrary view to mine.

Words: Entrepreneurship, Learning, Skills, Education, Experience, Benefits

5.       HEALTH:


1.       My body is healthy and whole

2.       I have a positive attitude to what I eat, how I eat and when I eat

3.       I love to drink water

4.       By exercising regularly my body becomes more energetic

Words: Nutritious, Steps, Breathe, Aura, Attitude, Spirit



1.       I am surrounded by loving people who speak my language

2.       I am fully present with others, I am a great listener

3.       I replace old hurts with positive expectations

4.       I am non-judgemental of other persons and respectful of their journey

Words: Relations, Family, Friends, Roles, Responsibilities, Community, Communication

Create yours, take a picture and then post to the private group.