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A positive attitude: The gambit for life.
A gambit is a strategic move used in chess where a player sacrifices a piece to gain an advantage..
— Unknown

In the pursuit of success and personal growth, one key element often overlooked is the power of a positive attitude. It's not just a cliché; it's a game-changer that can transform your life. A positive attitude is like a secret gambit, enabling you to overcome obstacles, find encouragement, enjoy life, and leave the past behind. In this blog, we will explore five simple tips that will guide you on the path to adopting a positive mindset.

So, what is a gambit? A gambit is a strategic move used in chess where a player sacrifices a piece to gain an advantage. In a broader sense, a gambit can be any calculated risk taken in order to achieve a desired outcome. Applying the concept of having a positive attitude to a gambit can result in improved outcomes. When we approach a risky situation with a positive attitude, we are more likely to see opportunities where others may only see obstacles. This can lead to creative and innovative or ideas solutions that would not have been possible with a negative or defeatist attitude. By taking calculated risks with a positive attitude, we can increase our chances of success in both our personal and professional lives.

So, let's delve into the art of embracing positivity and unlocking your true potential.

  1. Feed your mind with positive thoughts or be mindful of your thinking

Feeding our minds with positive thoughts is crucial for staying motivated and driven toward achieving our goals. One way to do this is by practicing daily affirmations. These are positive statements that affirm our positive traits, strengths, and capabilities. Another way is through reading positive literature such as self-help books, biographies, and motivational speeches. Additionally, surrounding ourselves with positive people who uplift and support us can also contribute to our mental well-being. Being intentional about our thought patterns and actively replacing negative thoughts with positive ones can make a significant impact on our overall mindset.

2. Surround yourself with someone or people who encourage you

Surrounding yourself with supportive individuals can make a world of difference. Seek out mentors, friends, or colleagues who inspire and motivate you. Share your goals and aspirations with them, and let their encouragement fuel your drive. When facing setbacks or doubts, their unwavering belief in your abilities will help you maintain a positive outlook. Together, you can conquer hurdles and celebrate achievements, fostering an environment conducive to growth. There is the saying ‘No man is an island’ or ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ these two sayings remind us that we are all interconnected and having the right people in your corner makes an enormous difference. 

3. Challenge yourself to do despite failures and setbacks

Challenging yourself to do what is needed, trying new ideas, and innovating can be a daunting task. It requires a lot of courage and determination, and one must be willing to embrace failure and setbacks. But taking these challenges head-on can have a remarkable effect on one's self-confidence and attitude. By stepping out of one's comfort zone and trying new things, you can unlock new abilities and talents that you never knew you possessed, which in turn, can boost your self-esteem. And even if you fail, the lessons learned from those failures can refine your ideas and give you a fresh perspective on things. This newfound self-confidence will empower you to tackle even greater challenges, and with each success, your attitude and outlook on life will improve.

4. Asking for help

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and resilience. It is important to understand that we all have different strengths and weaknesses, and sometimes seeking assistance can lead to new opportunities for growth and development. When we ask for help, we open ourselves up to new perspectives and ideas. This can help us make better decisions and find solutions to complex problems. Having a positive attitude towards asking for help can make it easier to reach out to others, as it helps to remove the fear of judgment or appearing inferior. It also creates a culture of openness and collaboration, which can lead to increased productivity and a stronger sense of community. Ultimately, asking for help is essential in both our personal and professional lives, as it enables us to overcome challenges and achieve our goals.

5. Get to know yourself

It is so important to take the time to get to know yourself. Understanding your triggers and being aware of areas where you need support can help prevent blind-siding moments. Bringing in a mental health professional, mentor or coach can be a huge asset in supporting you in this process. Through talking with a professional, you can gain insight into your own patterns of thinking and behavior. A mentor or coach can provide an outside perspective and guidance to help you identify your strengths and areas for growth. Taking the time to really understand yourself can help you build resilience and better cope with life’s challenges. The investment in your own personal growth and development is truly invaluable.

6. Resilience is a superpower

Keeping a positive attitude in the face of adversity is crucial to overcoming challenging situations. It helps to maintain mental and emotional strength, which enables one to find creative solutions to problems and stay focused on their goals. A positive attitude also improves relationships with others and allows for greater support and collaboration. However, it can be difficult to remain positive when faced with obstacles. One helpful approach is to practice gratitude by focusing on the good things in life and acknowledging small wins along the way. It's also important to keep in mind that challenges provide opportunities for growth and learning, which can lead to personal development and greater resilience. With a positive attitude, we can face adversity with hope and determination, knowing that we have the inner resources to overcome any obstacle.

7. Let go of the past

One of the most significant hindrances to a positive attitude is dwelling on the past. Regrets, grudges, and past failures can consume your energy and impede progress. Learn to let go and forgive, both others and yourself. Embrace the lessons learned from past experiences but avoid letting them define your present or future. By freeing yourself from the weight of the past, you create space for growth, positivity, and new opportunities.

Adopting a positive attitude is not just a matter of chance but a deliberate choice that has the potential to transform your life. Overcome negative thoughts, seek encouragement from supportive individuals, find joy and laughter in everyday moments, surround yourself with like-minded people, and let go of the past. By doing so, you empower yourself to face challenges with resilience, embrace opportunities with optimism, and ultimately pave the way to personal and professional success.

So, take the gambit of cultivating a positive attitude, and witness the incredible impact it can have on every aspect of your life. The choice is yours, and the possibilities are limitless.

Planning for the impending recession.

It's a tough time to be a business owner but taking some action to prepare for the next recession could help you stay afloat. Here are several steps you can take today to be ready for tomorrow.

Have a financial plan.

A financial plan is a detailed document that outlines your goals, how much you have to invest, and what steps you need to take to accomplish those goals. According to Dina Kaplan and Scott Mecum, authors of The Financial Plan Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide To Writing Your Own Personal Budget, there are three key elements of creating a financial plan:

  1. Setting realistic goals based on your values and priorities

  2. Understanding the importance of saving regularly and sticking with it

  3. Developing an investment strategy that matches your risk tolerance

Have a budget and track your spending.

Once you have identified your goals, it’s time to make a budget. You can use an online calculator or spreadsheet to do this, or just figure out how much money you have coming in each month and subtract that from the total amount of money needed to pay all your bills. The difference will be how much is left over for paying off debt, investing for retirement and other financial goals.

Keep track of what you spend every month on things like food and gas so that when times get tough, there won't be any surprises about how much more might need to go toward necessities such as groceries or transportation costs. In addition to keeping track of these expenses in a paper notebook or digital app like Mint (which allows users access through their computer browser), many people find it helpful to write down their budget numbers directly on their bank account statements so they can see exactly where their hard-earned cash goes each month—and often times where it doesn't go!

Build your emergency fund.

Building an emergency fund can be a daunting task if you're just starting out. The idea of building up to six months' worth of expenses is downright scary, especially if you've never had savings before. But it's important to start somewhere, so here's some advice for how to get started on building your emergency fund:

Start small and work up from there. You don't need to save all $6,000 or whatever in one go—just use the money from each paycheck until you have enough saved up for an emergency (or at least for most emergencies). If this means saving $5 per paycheck, then do it! It'll add up over time and help ensure that when something bad happens—say your car breaks down or there's a big medical bill—you won't have to resort immediately back into debt because there aren't any other options available besides borrowing money at high rates (and potentially losing credit).

Consider putting part of your savings into a high-yield online bank account like Ally Bank or Capital One 360 so that interest will build faster than what you'd get with most traditional financial institutions; remember though that these types of accounts generally charge higher fees than traditional banks so keep this in mind when making decisions about where best

Don’t try to time the market.

A recession is a time of uncertainty, and it's natural to think about what might happen. But the truth is that no one knows exactly how bad a recession will be or when it will start. Trying to time the market can be an expensive and stressful experience, so don't do it. Instead, focus on your long-term goals and stick with them through good times and bad.

Reduce or eliminate discretionary spending.

To reduce or eliminate discretionary spending, it's important to know exactly what you're saving for. The best way to do this is by setting a budget and sticking with it. If you don't already have a budget, start with one of the dozens of free online tools available that can help you create one.

If your income is adequate, try not to change anything about your lifestyle — just cut back on frivolous things that aren't necessities like eating out often or buying new clothes. You should also be sure not to spend money on things that aren't necessities: if something breaks in your house while you're using it as part of an experiment (such as breaking through ice), fix it instead of replacing it with something new.


Now that we’ve covered all the basics of preparing for a recession, we hope you feel a bit more confident in your ability to make smart financial decisions during these uncertain times. Sure, it can be scary to think about losing your job or having trouble paying the bills, but with some careful planning and preparation, you can minimize that fear and even come out on top when the recession is over. Remember: nothing will protect you 100% against everything that could happen. But when you take an active role in planning ahead like this, you can reduce your worry and be better prepared in case something does go wrong.

Simple Ways to Stay Effective and Prevent Overload........

So, over the years we have tried all types of tools to help with work organisation to ensure deadlines are met within time and budget, additionally, ensuring protocols and policies are observed while working within the frame of an organisation. It can be plenty!
Some of the tools are among:
1. Good stationery – great writing pens, highlighters, post its, writing paper – first and foremost.

2. Evernote – for taking notes at meetings and writing minutes and follow-up items quickly.

3. Trello and Asana – for task-oriented projects and overall one-on-one client management.

4. Visio – Process maps are friendly – you can map an entire process which can help to create standard operating procedures quickly.

5.Toolkits/ Manuals/ Books/ Frameworks – for training and completing important deliverables that are specific in a content type.

6. Microsoft Suite – all of it.

7. MUSIC and it is in caps for a reason.

8.Vision book/ board - keeping ideals visible so at any time there is a reminder of what the why.

9. The mobile phone – appointments, calendars, grocery lists, voice notes.

10. BOOKS another caps.
While tools are great, having an approach to work helps. Doing the recurring stuff every single day (call, add your entries on the finance spreadsheet, put in your deliverables, update, check dashboard). Soon you will have a system with a logical flow, triggered by one action to the next.

Having a process and a system has helped to free up time for creativity and brainstorming and it is easy to delegate eventually. When things don’t go as planned, having a system and process helps so tweaking is easy to suit the situation.
At Uwàmìto Consulting we solve issues. Contact us for support on all social media platforms, our website link
WhatsApp/Call - 1.868.728.9024
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Punctuality and Service Quality

Punctuality is the soul of business.

- Thomas Chandler Haliburton



This virtue is a sore point for quite a few people. On a personal level, it communicates a message that you may be unreliable. On a professional level, someone or an entity not being on time might affect productivity, their reputation and eventually their bottom line.



As we close this week, do a check-in with yourself and observe whether this is something you need to try a little harder on, and make an effort to have it rectified.



At Uwàmìto Consulting punctuality is a gloss that improves our service provision. We start and finish on time.



We also work with people to improve their acumen and punctuality is an area we pay attention to.



Find us on all social media platforms. Call/WhatsApp: 1.868.728.9024.


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