Posts tagged Visioning
Personal Planning for Effectiveness

Personal Planning - Using a vision board or a 'dream book'

Using simple, user-friendly and easy to duplicate methodologies influence everything we do at Uwamito Consulting.

Personal planning as an important building block for all other types of planning.

So one of the key items you will decide is the mode for your planning document and the decision to choose a 'dream book' over a 'vision board' or vice versa is totally up to you but in both instances they would organise the areas of your life you need to focus on and ideally indicate what your goals are.

Deciding to use either can be linked to personal preference or can be influenced by your environment or reality.

A board provides a visual reminder of your 'compass' it can also be a source of encouragement for other persons to also do similar for themselves and in some instances provide your circle with pointers on how they can be supportive of your dreams and goals. This might be a bit challenging if your environment might not allow you the personal space to be intimate.

See the online resource:…/WRITING-A-VISION-FOR-YOU…
(This is a very good tool which has 12 areas of focus you can alter as per your needs)

The dream book which is different to but similar to the format of a diary or journal (where you write your thoughts on an ongoing basis). The currency you place on the contents of the book will influence how often you use it. But it affords a level of confidentiality not provided by the board, from a utility standpoint the book can be easier to store in a safe space limiting anyone else from having access.

See the online resource: