Strategic Planning Guide - An upcoming resource

During the two decades of doing development work, we have worked with organisations driving profound impact normally supporting and improving resilience among people. A key observation is that more than 95% of these organisations had no strategic plans, and for the few who had strategic plans, those plans were either very close to expiring or outdated. Those organisations often had great credibility and were managing large and vital projects. These organisations found themselves in a bind whenever a project ended. Having a strategic plan that is respected and owned by internal personnel and stakeholders is an important ingredient towards ensuring sustainability.

Strategic plans map your approach to defining your future for the next 3-5years. You examine your current status in relation to your environment and chart your future based on trends and of course your mission. But, there is an inherent challenge, what if your environment changes or what if you are unable to be agile enough to capitalise on an opportunity or an option which presents itself while you are implementing your plan? So whilst plans are important the interplay between leadership, being alert and your organisational culture may impact your level of eventual success.

Despite unplanned variables, strategic plans once completed and committed to will onset a most positive trajectory.

Are you seeking a solution or guide to develop your strategic plan? Do you want to learn how to facilitate the process, how to customise and adapt to reality?

Sign up and be notified when we are through. We are consolidating our years of experience in developing this resource: - you can also get a freebie in the process.