What do you do when things don't go as planned?

Today is the start of the workweek October 04, 2021 - Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp are all currently down! There were times in the past when either of the platforms did shut down or had glitches and resumed operations after some time. But today! all three platforms went down it is now 3:23pm as I am writing and there is no life teeming.

What is the lesson here? Like life things may not often go as planned at times when you least expect it. Do you throw your hands up? It might be an opportunity to take a break but it is difficult when you rely on these systems for business or you might have a planned live or an online streaming activity. It can be a wonderful time to rethink your contingency planning. What are you plan B,C and D? Maybe you should consider other mechanisms of reaching people. But that is not really the issue is it? The issue is what do you do when things do not go as planned.

Fact is, we always have options….time to rethink… time to re-strategize all the areas of your business and even your life.

Have a great day, despite the temporary showers.