World Mental Health Day - How far have we come?

“Mental health care for all. Let’s make it a reality” - World Health Organisation (WHO) 2021.

Most countries globally are now into at least 18 months of managing the pandemic known as COVID-19, some more, others less. It has been an interesting experience!

With all kinds of research currently ongoing examining how COVID-19 impacted different aspects of our life, we will have to wait for some time longer to collectively reflect. But, one thing for sure is the fact that it has been a crisis that has exacerbated most of our socio-economic challenges, risks and vulnerabilities.

It is easy to generalize from a societal standpoint, but we are seeing, hearing and experiencing stories so powerfully rich with lessons, sorrows, hope and new discoveries.

There are a number of people who had to face the reality of losing jobs, loved ones, while some people have not been able to see their loved ones due to the many travel restrictions.

According to data from the WHO there has been an increased demand for services for mental, neurological and substance use disorders. It is difficult to manage an ongoing pandemic and to also satisfy data needs to make informed decisions.

At a recent World Health Assembly in May 2021 governments attending acknowledged the need to have increased investments in mental health.

What does that mean for the everyday person? without allocations for certain types of services and a redistribution/redirection of resources to address this current pandemic, mental health will as far as it is reasonably possible, take a focus requiring individual action. We need to take care of ourselves and our loved ones. Treat mental health as if it were our diet, our grooming for example to remain functional at the very basic levels.

According to the National Health Service (NHS) there are five (5) steps one can take to ensure mental health in relation to treating with the pandemic (

  1. Connect with other people

  2. Be physically active

  3. Learn new skills

  4. Give to others

  5. Pay attention to the present moment

This pandemic is far from over, but awareness is the start and it will keep us grounded as we navigate and overcome this…
