Leadership Development - Soft Skills

Leadership Development - Soft Skills

from $800.00

This service caters to the leader who needs support with soft skills like - public speaking, writing, understanding personal strengths and weaknesses, conducting meetings or a 3-month plan for leading a new team.

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In the fast-changing landscape, a lot more pressure is placed on leaders to deliver to their management, teams and client base. At Uwàmìto Consulting we understand that we are all humans doing our best. If you observe a persistent challenge in your daily operations related to your individual capacity help is out there. It can be the need to feel more confident when delivering that board presentation, presentation techniques to nail your analysis home, a guidebook on supporting your team so they feel naturally motivated and committed to your vision, a strengths assessment to appreciate your weaknesses and work on your areas or mentorship. Personal capacity development is an on-going process, which requires lifelong learning if you are unable to source the support you need it can be the main cause for you not mastering yourself. We are here for you.